For Data Providers:
How can I provide my private data to Grably?
Detailed instructions on how to submit data securely.
How does Grably ensure the security and privacy of my data?
Grably takes data security very seriously. Grably indexes and classifies your data privatley and doesn't send it to our servers, it stays on your device until we have a specific request from a customer. Then, you receive a request that your Confirm or Decline. Only after the confirmation, Grably downloads Data and compensate you. We employ industry-standard encryption and security measures to protect your data and ensure your transactions are safe.
What types of private data does Grably accept?
List of acceptable data types, such as photographs, video clips, chats (Messagers), audio recordings, bank statements, emails, etc.
How will I be compensated for my data?
Every time a customer purchase your data, you receive coins in your Grably account. You can redeem coins into USD submitting the form and receive the compensation directly to the bank of your choice. You must have certain amount of coins in your account to redeem them into USD.
Who will have access to my data once it’s provided to Grably?
It's stored securely on your device or your source of data until Grably has a buyer for it. You confirm any new transaction before Grably downloads your data to its servers.
Can I specify conditions or restrictions on the use of my data?
Yes, connecting your sources of data you decide on filters and conditions. Time limitations, exclusivity, filters (such as face blur, avoid any photos of texts, etc.)
How do I know if my data has been sold?
Before a customer purchases data, you receive a request that your agree or decline. Once you declined and moderation of the data passed, you receive a compensation. The request is being sent via Email and Push notifications if you have our App installed.
What compensation will I receive?
It's our mission to provide fair compensation for the data provided by our partners. We are committed to a healthy and competitive market, so your compensation will depend on the volume of data, its uniqueness, and the demand for it.
Can I withdraw my data from Grably after submission?
You can withdraw the data that is not sold to any of the customers.
What happens to my data if I decide to terminate my agreement with Grably?
Your data, that have never been sold will be destroyed.
How does Grably determine the value of my data?
The value of the data depends on the demand, how rare is the data, its specifics and uniqueness. Our expertise in AI niche allows to determine fair pricing for data.
Are there any risks involved in providing my data to Grably?
We made it clear and safe for our users: you install the APP and provide it with access to the data you're willing to sell. Grably App indexes everything on the device in the background. It doesn't need access to the internet. Everything stored on your device, so any leaks are impossible.
Can I track the sales and usage of my data?
You have a full dashboard when you login into your account with Grably.
How does Grably handle disputes or issues related to data sales?
Our moderation team reviews disputes manually and provide a decision to both parties.
What legal protections do I have as a data provider to Grably?
Our Terms of Service describes all the protection you receive from Grably.
Can I provide data on behalf of others, such as family members?
You must receive a direct confirmation from a third party provider to resell the data they provide to you.
How long does the approval process take for submitted data?
It depends on the amount of provided data and usually takes about 24 hours.
Is there a minimum amount of data required to participate?
You can start with just one file.
How do I get started with providing my data to Grably?
Sign up and follow the instructions.
Who can I contact if I have questions or need support?
Please use this email